Q-2, r. 9.01 - Design code of a storm water management system eligible for a declaration of compliance

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49. Failing the use of a computer model, the runoff volume to be treated to reduce suspended matters and that drains to a storm water management work whose design is based on a runoff volume is established using equation 3-14:
Equation 3-14: Vquality = 25 × 0.9 × Aimp × 10
Vquality=Runoff volume referred to in sections 48 and 49 (m3);
25=Quality control rain level (mm);
0.9=Runoff coefficient;
Aimp=Sum of impervious surfaces drained to the storm water management work, including surfaces drained indirectly (ha);
10=Conversion coefficient for the units.
O.C. 871-2020, s. 49.
In force: 2020-12-31
49. Failing the use of a computer model, the runoff volume to be treated to reduce suspended matters and that drains to a storm water management work whose design is based on a runoff volume is established using equation 3-14:
Equation 3-14: Vquality = 25 × 0.9 × Aimp × 10
Vquality=Runoff volume referred to in sections 48 and 49 (m3);
25=Quality control rain level (mm);
0.9=Runoff coefficient;
Aimp=Sum of impervious surfaces drained to the storm water management work, including surfaces drained indirectly (ha);
10=Conversion coefficient for the units.
O.C. 871-2020, s. 49.